Földgáz - A környezetkímélő energia forrása

Cooling with sagacity

The refrigerators and deep freezers are not absent from one single household today, since we would like to keep the food fresh and we want to store supplies.

The working hours never end for the refrigerators: they work all around the clock on each 365 days of the year. If already during shopping we keep an eye on the power consumption, we will save money every minute. Regarding refrigeration and freezing even more aspects are worthy of consideration so that not only the fruit and vegetables preserve their flavour for a long time, but our purse should not lose its own flavour, either.

What do the stars say?

* 1 star (it should not be warmer than -6 °C)
The storage of frozen food for a short period (maximum for a week)

** 2 stars (it should not be warmer than -12 °C)
The storage of frozen food for a medium period (maximum for three weeks)

*** 3 stars (it should not be warmer than -18 °C)
The storage of frozen food for a long period (depending of the type of food even for several months)

**** 4 stars (-18 °C or even colder)
Freezing and the storage of frozen food for a long period (depending of the type of food even for several months)

(Please, take into consideration also the storage time related information on the packaging!)