Földgáz - A környezetkímélő energia forrása

Kitchen tricks

Baking and cooking have become the passion of increasingly more men and women, either in a circle of friends or alone. The delight value can still be increased, mainly if the wonderful bites are prepared in an energy and environmental conscious way.

Heat can optimally be used by means of some tiny tricks and dodges while cooking. Our kitchen helpers often consume more energy than we would believe it. An electric cooker usually amounts to 12 percent of the household total energy consumption, and most of this is required by the cooking surface. We are more and more inclined to baking at home, too. This not only provides pleasure, but our own delicate bites are cheaper than the ones from the shop. Our hints help you in saving energy in addition to all this. Paying homage to the delights together with saving energy at the same time may be most simple.