Földgáz - A környezetkímélő energia forrása

Let us see clearly

Traditional bulb
A traditional bulb transforms 90-95% of the electricity into heat but not light. People not living in a passive house lose this heat. A mere 5-10 % of the energy is used for lighting.

Halogen bulbs
Halogen bulbs are not energy saving, they merely have a higher efficiency than traditional bulbs. Most energy is turned into heat in the case of the halogen lamps, too.

Fluorescent lamps
The light delivery of the fluorescent lamps is good, but they cannot be applied everywhere. There is a starter and ballast in fluorescent lamps, so they contain diverse poisonous waste as well.

Energy saving lamps
Energy saving lamps are available for practically all and any purpose. Their lifetime is roughly eight times as long and their light delivery is five times as high as that of the traditional bulbs. So an energy saving bulb with a performance of 20 W produces roughly as much light as a 100 W traditional bulb. So the energy consumption is almost 80 % lower!

Economical hints on lighting